So once I found out about this forum I thought, "hey maybe I could help out too!". So hen I got the bright idea of trying to get to know other people and just lending a helping hand. I thought "wait maybe if I got to older discussions, if that person ever comes back, I could ask them if they need help and maybe just maybe they would see someone recently asked for help. Then they would accept the help instead of just find it somewhere else or just cancel their project since other people aren't there anymore" All I just ever wanted to help out. Apparently you guys are the ONLY ones that see it as wrong. So you got on me for it for "spamming" I had to say about at least 13 times that it wasn't because there is no appeal to spamming. What is the point of it??? WHY WOULD ANYONE HAVE FUN WITH IT?? WHY WOULD I EVER NEED OR WANT TO SPAM??? IF I WAS SPAMMING THERE WOULD BE 100 MORE MESSAGES ON EVERY SINGLE DISCUSSION ON HERE but that is fine too if you don't want to listen fine by ME. However back on topic. I had so many reasons as to why I would be going to older discussions. Such as I am a talkative guy but you didn't want to ever take that into account, I literally just wanted to help so, what the heck? and There is no reason why I would be in trouble if all I wanted to do was the right thing. Why is it that people get mad/irritated/annoyed by letters typed on a screen made by someone probably across the world from them? Back on topic I am so so sorry I do that alot. So you come along I try to explain the situation to you but it failed to many times because it felt like you NEVER listened to me. At some point in the back and forth banter you just up and left somewhere. Then this guy Ack comes on the forum. I never see anyone as a bad guy, it just isn't right, and I think all human beings are equal and I would never look down on someone mentally, get it cuz I am a tall guy? I'm sorry I gotta stop doing that. Ack then calls me out for spamming I then have to explain to him, like how I explained to you. Then the argument come in. I tried asking him questions and he avoided them. He never actually answered them no matter how much he denies that he did. He insulted my intelligence quite a few times. He assumed what I was thinking SO MANY TIMES. He thinks that I look down on him WHEN I NEVER DO. Why would I look down on a mentally smart 14 year old? Even if he is younger than me, he knows what he is doing most of the time. He thinks that I think he is doing this for some kind of motive and that I think he is just a bad person. I don't think he actually is, I just think that he misunderstood me and he just wasn't listening as well as he thought he was. He thinks that I can never change my views on something. I actually change my view alot on some things, but it just depends on how serious it is or not. He said that I gave him a death threat and he never said that him saying that was a joke UNTIL THE NEXT DAY. I try tell him something important but it just felt like he was just skimming thru what I was saying and in fact he was skimming! But he will deny that fact as well. Some rude things were thrown by him, such as I deserve to be insulted. That isn't morally correct to ever say that to another human being. He even told me to shut up but worded it a bit differently to make it seem like he didn't. I made a whole case file in another discussion the L+ratio one. However I said some rude things as well and I am sorry for that but not to this MULTITUDE. I then went on to make a post trying to expose what Ack said and lied about. Jacobiscool came online and said "I feel u" I then thank him for actually listening. He then says that he get's bullied at school and has been called worthless. I say that I am so sorry for that and try and cheer him up. Ack comes in showing LITERALLY NO CONCERN FOR MAH BOI and goes straight for me. How do you not ask if he is alright bro? Where is your compassion? Ack then decides to argue with me there and Jacobiscool saw how Ack was acting and wasn't very happy that ack didn't acknowledge him at all. If Ack talks about this he will most likely say Jacob isn't a part of this despite literally walking in voluntarily. We do this banter back and for and it is past midnight for me I honestly forgot the time. However I make this BIG like HUMUNGOUS case file about Ack since he asked for proof. He didn't deny the fact that he was lying he just said "this kid won't stop". But he never denied that he lied about what I said at all that day. Ack gives NO PROOF that he wasnt lying accept repeatedly saying "I didnt lie" or "I wasnt lying" and then something after that that gives no proof that he wasnt lying about what I said. What's weird is that he basically told me to not let this get out to the public, like he won't face the consequences of his actions made. I then try and ask to Zeldaria: "Could you please help me out. It is getting a bit hectic and I need support since nobody is seeing my side of the story. I need some support over here, but it is alright if you don't want to" and she was happy to help. I then try to explain to the best of my ability what is happening here. More back and forth banter comes into play and all I want ack to do is admit to lying about me and face the consequences after that I am all set and good to go! But it is so hard to actually try and get people to listen to you and I look like a madman trying to get people to hear me out just for once. I just want the chance to be heard again just once.
How do you compete with someone that has obvious favoritism on his side?
How am I supposed to let people hear me out if they aren't willing to listen?
Why do people not believe me the person who has evidence up to the wazoo but believe the person with ZERO evidence and the "Source: trust me bro"? (sorry for the meme reference.)
How do you try and help people, do the right thing, and try and succeed to achieve your goals if someone is trying to stop you?
I love this forum! I like the individuals on this forum! I made new friends! I can't have something like that just taken away from me. I just wanted to help and just do things right ONCE just ONCE. But how do you do that if you are under stress digitally and IRL and have to fight for your life because you act differently than other people?
I was never mad. I was never enraged. I just wanted you to hear me out and I can see that I have failed miserably. This is what happens when I try and try and TRY to stay determined to help other people it just goes to the dumpster fire. Thank you for being one of the few people that were willing to listen. and Thank you fo not coming at me with an argument when I needed someone the most. It's just what do I do?
What can I do to help other people?