person so wait i just need to say Name: Person Powers: can steal smol bits of code and no one will ever notice Defense stat: {error infinity is not a number} Health stat: {error negative infinity is not a number} and im in?
Shinehorn001 Sure give me a sec Xelxa: 350,000 Person: 351,000 A being 6,666,666 LucasY42 ( for reverence): 300,000,000
person i know what i said and i mean what i said. its becasue most programs at a certain point just stop counting and call the value infinity. java stops at 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 before just calling it infinity. same with -9,223,372,036,854,775,807
ackvonhuelio yeah what i'm saying is that to define infinity you have to capitalize the I in Infinity
INTERNECION -wyi this is 7 months old my good sir. It's been a bit since Shinehorn has been here as well