Lil-Starcast Ok so I was exploring my creek and I caught this: Does this look like an Axolotl to you guys? Because I thought they only lived in Mexico.
altZany Lil-Starcast You guys are lucky to live near creeks, where I live, I'll be lucky to get 0.5 inches of snow.
Yogurt That is SURELY an axolotl to me. I did a find images with Google thingy and according to Google lens, it said it was an axolotl. It also said it may be a salamander. Idk why but a part of me is saying it is a salamander.
Lil-Starcast Yogurt A part of me is saying its just a salamander too but my friend just used google lens and said it was either an Axolotl or a baby fire salamander, both of which aren't native to the USA.