He taught me how to hack websites using the developer inspect console
Any website worth its salt will not allow users to affect its data or other users using the Inspect console. Reload the page and all your changes are gone.
He sees everything in binary
If you mean "is able to translate to binary without looking things up", then that's actually pretty cool but is not much more than that. If you mean "is able to see the binary representation of digital objects without looking it up", then that's just a lie. It's not even worth mentioning because that's basically the same thing as using big words to make himself look smart.
can come up with solutions to program problems on his own without a guide
Congratulations, that's what literally every computer science class expects you to do. He can do what 19 million other people in the US can do.
He taught himself how to hack by simply looking at the debug console and experimenting
That's how literally every problem ever was solved. Trial and error. Congratulations, he can do what 8 billion other people in the world can do.