I might change my name on all of social media to like DanTheMan since if you didnt already know, Danny is my real name, but i always wanted my name to be Shawn, so my nick was Shawn but then in 5th grade my class started making my nickanme "Shawnyboy". I might change my name to DanTheMan or just Danny, or maybe ItsDanBruh since i was ItsShawnBruh for a short period on the internet. This might be efficient within a day or 2, cuz i am probably gonna change my name. This nick was from 5th grade and i just used it everywhere, and im already a freshman in highschool so i will just probably change my name becasue this one is childish.
goodbye shawnyboy!!
This could affect my coding career though since DanTheMan wont be known and probably would just be an anonymous guy coming from nowhere people would think, and shawnyboy mysteriously disappeared. But i will probably put a disclaimer in games saying this was made by shawnyboy and i just changed me name.