2kChubz Hmm. It seems to me that you have lied again. Also watch how much my evidence counters your non-existent evidence. This is will need some reading. AHEM
You started fights because you have constantly insulted me, have been rude, and have tried instigating things. I tried several times to make things as to where we can finally get along. I gave you a choice.
You either start something bad, get suspended for it, and the cycle continues until you get banned or we can finally put this behind us and be friends.
You always avoided answering this question 4 times, I believe. Fluffy was giving me a reason as to why you weren't showing up anymore when I go these mod powers. He said that you were scared and/or nervous that I was gonna ban you. I reassured you about three times that I wouldn't unless I have to. With the amount of rules you broke with the amount of times you have broken them. Yes by the rules you can get banned, but I will not do that because it seemed unfair. You never ignored me mate. You kept going and going and you didn't stop. Person saw, DantheCoder saw, even fricking BRENDAN saw. So why keep going on this slight rampage like it will make you get your non-existent point across? You have done literally jack to stop this situation, jack for coding help, and jack for overall helping the forum at all during this time. I have even witnesses for that to.