(about Data) data browser was made by brendan otherwise known as WUTAdam by using Vercel a Website for coders and builders like you and if u wanna check out my Version u can ask me or i can tell u and show u how to fix up your own if u ask the owner of it
(how to use Data)
First u go to any code.org chat and put in the random numbers & letters at the Top of the page We can call it the chat ID if u like then u copy that and paste it in the Data Browser bar on the page then u are in (Click clear data to erase everyones data that has Signed into the chat and (go down there is an Arrow with a number in it click it and Choose 500 then u can take coins set themes unban and more stuff
(how to Block Data) first go to the Data page then put in the numbers & letters then what u wanna do it (Click on the plus sign) then put in a random name at the top where it says name the where it says collum put proto Then Click Enter then Press (Create Table) Then Click (Create Entry) Then u switch back to the Table u Created then Switch back to the Table that says KEY VALUES.
Then u are done
-prince aka dark- signing off