ackvonhuelio [unknown] woah no way really? a website for children learning to code isn't a dating site??!!?!1!
ackvonhuelio Mellow woah no way really? a website for children learning to code isn't a dating site??!!?!1!
2kChubz i cant believe this every one here is going to be old and going to forget about this chat and every one they messaged:(
Deci [unknown] Holy crap you’re right, someday in a couple years code chat is just gonna be a memory, maybe we’ll randomly stumble back into the forum, remeet a couple old friends. Feels weird to think about
person idk he was active for a while but just like his counterpart brendan he cant stay forever, (hes probably forgotten) lmao i dont think im leaving for a couple years, maybe one day our descendants will learn about our lives here
person idk he was active for a while but just like his counterpart brendan he cant stay forever, (hes probably forgotten) lmao i dont think im leaving for a couple years, maybe one day our descendants will learn about our lives here
person bro i hate that glitch were it makes you say it twice 🤬 also what is this goofy ahh emoji 🥵
person ackvonhuelio im not sure he can really fix it because he used freeforum and im not sure how much coding/bugfixing you can do on freeforum